Woman - GREEN
GREEN - Discover the women's collection on the official Furla website and choose from a wide range of leather bags, mini-bags, accessories, wallets and shoes.
- Woman
The Furla collection of women’s bags and accessories is synonymous with superior quality, creativity and innovative design. This collection is carefully designed to provide a wide range of designer bags for women as well as carefully curated luxury accessories for women. These bespoke items come in a range of cheerful and refined colours that can enhance any outfit.
Bags, Shoes and Accessories for Women
Among our bags collection, you will find women’s handbags, small leather goods, women’s accessories, purses and wallets. If you are looking for a designer Furla handbag, we have ranges that include top handles, totes, hobo, shopping bags and much more. If you are looking for Furla women’s bags, have a look at our selection of shoulder, crossbody bags and more. Take a look at our iconic 1927 collection to see some classic options.
Our range also includes smaller Furla purses and mini handbags in similar styles, such as the Moon range. A collection of handbags and accessories is not complete without a selection of Furla women’s wallets. Our selection of wallets includes compact wallets, bi-fold wallets, trifold wallets, coin purses and more. All these collections come in their styles and refined colour palettes to ensure you will find something to match your unique personality.
Women’s Bags
Furla places great importance on creating high-quality designer leather handbags and accessories for women and men. Established in 1927 by the Furlanetto family in Italy, our Italian heritage is shown by our love for beauty and the right combination of creativity, wonder, quality and fun. Our products reflect both Italian design and contemporary aesthetic and our collections are extending to textile, eyewear, jewellery, shoes and watches. We keep selecting the finest materials and applying the most valuable manufacturing techniques to provide superior quality genuine leather handbags.