Les piliers de la responsibilité

Valeurs de l’entreprise et engagement vis-à-vis des parties prenantes. Les documents fondamentaux.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col3 [IMG 1]
Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col4 [IMG 2]

Le choix de cuir certifié

L’engagement vis-à-vis de l’utilisation toujours croissante de cuir certifié par LWG et ICEC dans la production directe.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col4 [IMG 2]

Le choix entre les fibres naturelles

L’orientation vers des choix plus sûrs parmi les fibres naturelles d’origine animale.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col7 [IMG 3]
Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col8 [IMG 4]

Responsabilité dans le choix des matières premières

Les exigences obligatoires et facultatives dans le choix des approvisionnements et la collaboration avec les fournisseurs.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col8 [IMG 4]

Occupational health and safety

The transition from OHSAS 18001: 2007 certification to ISO 45001: 2018.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col11 [IMG 5]
Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col12 [IMG 6]

The Fur Free Policy

The elimination of fur and membership in the Fur Free Alliance.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col12 [IMG 6]

Intelligent energy

The gradual transition to procuring energy from renewable sources.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col15 [IMG 7]
Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col16 [IMG 8]

Cutting-edge packaging

The use of sustainable packaging, in line with the commitment to circularity and environmental responsibility.

Editorail - Furla Responsibility - Grid - ROW2 - Col16 [IMG 8]

Sustainability Governance

Prior to 2017, Furla worked on a range of projects to respond to specific Sustainability & CSR requirements. At the end of 2017, to cope with the growing attention paid to these issues, we set up a Sustainability & CSR department and since then, the Company has implemented a set of instruments such as its new Code of Ethics, its Suppliers' Manual, and several policies that lay down the Company's values, as well as a strategy to drive new Social and Environmental Responsibility projects. We have also set up specific bodies that suggest, validate, and monitor projects: the Sustainability Committee, which also includes some top managers of the areas affected by the projects, and the Ethics Committee, which gathers and deals with reports – internal or external – on the issues addressed by the Code of Ethics. The third control body, solely for Furla Spa, is the Supervisory Board, required by Legislative Decree no. 231/2011 as regards administrative liability arising out of a criminal offence, established in 2016 at the same time as the Internal Audit department.
For reports to the Ethics Committee:
For reports to the Supervisory Board: